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Trail Talk 333 - October 9, 2024


The Maitland Trail is regularly closed for the deer gun hunting weeks, this year on Nov 4th to 10th and December 2nd to 8th. These closures do not apply to areas where hunting is not allowed which include the Falls Reserve, the Maitland Woods, Sifto Loop, Millennium trail and the G2G.

Despite hiking the local trails for over 17 years, I sometimes see something I have never seen before.  On a hike on the Maitland Trail between Sharpes Creek Line and River Line I saw a small snake on the gravel that was later identified as Dekay’s Brownsnake. On this section of trail, I also found a very nice walking pole with a brown handle but have yet to find the owner.  My brother joined the midweek hikers on that section on September 25th when visiting from England, but there was nothing out of the ordinary on that hike.  My British visitors were impressed by how well all the properties were maintained with neat lawns, etc.  I was also surprised that some complained about being bitten by insects, while I have not been bothered by any for several weeks. I think that when bitten it does not usually itch, so I may not notice a bite. Insect attraction also depends on your diet and what clothes, soap, hair spray, deodorant etc. that you might have used.

On Tuesday I joined the Tuesday Trompers on a loop of trails from the end of Pinery Line. The Maitland Trail volunteer chainsaw crew had done a very good job of clearing some large pine windfalls that had fallen across the trail.

I am having a “fun” time after my computer crashed and lost my files, and I am now learning how to use new systems on a laptop.

The end of September and early October have been my best days for butterfly observations, 10 species including my third Painted Lady, my second Common Buckeye, and about 40 Sulphurs, mostly clouded and some Orange Sulphurs.



Saturday October 19th 9 a.m.-11am Naftel’s Creek and George Newton Reserve.

 For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Jonah Melville at or George Cantin at This is a Level 3, moderate pace, 2 hours.


Saturday October 19th 1.30 p.m. Cycle at Point Farms Provincial Park at 82491, Bluewater Highway (Hwy#21). Difficulty: Beginner, combination of paved roads, gravel roads and hard packed dirt paths. Bring water. The distance is approximately 10 kms but can keep exploring depending on time remaining. After an hour plan on a rest stop or sooner as needed. For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Donald Andrew at 519 530-9019 call or text. This is a level 1, moderate pace, 2 hour ride.


Saturday, October 26th 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Naftel’s Creek trails (note change from Millennium trial)

This is a meditative walk on the Millennium trail –. pause and explore mindfulness techniques, walking meditation and forest therapy. For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact Tanya MacIntyre at or text 519 616-3636. This is a level 1, slow pace, 1 1/2 hour walk.


Tuesday Trompers meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday to hike for about an hour. If you wish to be on this email list, complete the form on the MTA website:


Midweek hikers meet at 9 a.m. and hike for 1 ½ to 2 hours on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Contact Patrick Capper at



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