The Maitland Trail Association depends on the support of volunteers. By volunteering with the MTA, you can have a positive impact on the community and help preserve the natural beauty of the trail. Our volunteers are dedicated and passionate, and we welcome anyone who is interested in getting involved.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are a volunteer-based organization. Volunteers are vital to the Maitland Trail Association, and they’re what make it a great organization. If you’d like to join us and become a volunteer or would like more information about the positions below or other one-time events, we'd like to hear from you.
​Trail Ranger
Twice a year, teams of two monitor their section of the trail, perform light trail maintenance and report trail conditions to the maintenance crew (spring and fall).
​Trail Maintenance Crew
Trail maintenance is carried out on Thursday mornings throughout the spring, summer, and fall, weather permitting. Tools and materials are provided by MTA.
Hike Leader
A few times a year, on a weekend morning, our hike leaders organize guided hikes along a chosen section of a local trail. Hike Leader Certification Training is provided by Hike Ontario.
Invasive Species Removal Team
Click here to learn more about MTA’s Invasive Species Removal Project and how you can help.
Trail Trivia Team
Are you looking for a fun, easy, and interesting way to help your community? We are seeking a few volunteers to update and maintain MTA’s Trail Trivia. Click here for more information about Trail Trivia.
Annual Candlelight Walk and Lantern Making Workshops
Volunteers are needed during January and early February. For more information about this event, click here.