There is now much more awareness of the benefits of native plants and the problem with alien invasive plants. I find that the lists of Invasive Terrestrial Plant Species are different depending on the source. I recently received a great little book published by the Ontario Invasive Species Awareness Program, The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and The Ontario Invasive Plant Council. The are mine indicating what I have observed in our area as being a problem with * being a big problem. The plants listed are as follows:

Phragmites* Miscanthus, Garlic Mustard**, Giant Hogweed, Goutweed, Himalayan Balsam**, Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Hedge parsley, Lily-of-the-Valley*, Periwinkle*, Purple Loosestrife*, Spotted Knapweed**, Wild Chervil, Wild Parsnip*, Dog Strangling Vine, Oriental Bittersweet, Kudzu, Autumn Olive**, Black Locust, Chinese Privet*, European Buckthorn**, Glossy Buckthorn, European Alder, Japanese Barberry, Manitoba Maple, Non-native Bush Honeysuckles**, Norway Maple, Russian Olive, Tree-of-Heaven and Winged Euonymus.
The Ontario Invasive Plant Council does not list Periwinkle, Lily-of-the- Valley, Manitoba Maple and a few others in its list, but also includes Scots Pine, White Mulberry, Multiflora Rose, White Sweet Clover and Yellow Iris.

Other lists have included plants such as Dame’s Rocket. I find much of this confusing and wonder why Black Locust is on the list as it seems to occur infrequently around here.
On July 2nd, 17 Tuesday Trompers joined many other hikers and cyclists that have been checking out the new tunnel on the G2G under County Road 25. The tunnel is a welcome addition to the G2G trail and I look forward to a time when there is funding for a bridge over the Maitland River.
On a recent hike on the Hullett Sugar Bush trails, a Maintenance crew had trimmed a lot of shrubs. I think I must be one of the few people who get upset at seeing dead shrub cutting lying on the side of the trail. I find this is ugly and it also means that the butterflies and dragonflies have fewer perches, due not only to the trimmings but also from the trimmings on top of other vegetation. I prefer to put trimmings well off the trail and, when this is not practical, to consolidate them into a few piles.
Hike Ontario, to celebrate its 50th year, has an award for people who submit 50 hikes they have done in 2024. There is no defined length or requirement to do all 50 on the same route. I found this not much of a challenge, so set myself the goal of hiking on 50 different trails and doing 500 hikes (lasting at least 30 minutes). When I dog sit which is quite often then I hike twice a day. At the half way mark on June 30th I have been on 46 trails and hiked 289 times.

Maitland Trail Closure: from Cherrydale Road (20km) to Nature Conservancy property (25km) due to coyote problem
Saturday July 13th 9 a.m. Hike the Naftel’s Creek trails and the George G. Newton Nature reserve trails for about 2 hours. Meet at 79152 Hwy21. For more information and to confirm your attendance, please contact George Cantin at streamsideinc@gmail.com or Jonah Melville at Jonah.melville@ gmail.com This is a Level 1, moderate pace, 2 hours.
Saturday July 13th 10 a.m. Learn about Bayfield history on the Admiral Bayfield Heritage Walk lead by David Yates 2km 90 minutes. Meet at the pavilion at Clan Gregor Square
Sunday July 14th 9.30a.m. Cycle - Pinery Provincial Park. For details call or text Donald Andrew at 519 530-9019 or Gena Lowe at glowe@maitlandtrail.ca. Difficulty: beginner. This 14 km trail follows a wooded path in a loop around half of the park. Savanna trail is mostly paved, with some gravel sections, and follows the path of the eastern one-way road to several beach areas and walking trails.
Saturday July 20th 10 a.m. Mindfulness Walk on the Millennium trail.
Saturday July 27th 10 a.m. a Stop and Look walk on the Sawmill Trail. Leader Ralph Blasting 519-525-3205 or rjblastingjr@gmail.com
Maitland Trail Association‘s El Camino on Saturday September 21st and 22nd is sold out.
All participants taking part in the Maitland Trail events should sign the waiver for 2024, preferably the online version.
Tuesday Trompers meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday to hike for about an hour. If you wish to be on this email list, send an email to mta@maitlandtrail.ca
Midweek Hikers hike for 1 ½ to 2 hours on Wednesdays or Thursdays, contact Patrick Capper.
Both groups meet at 9 a.m. and are open to non-members provided they sign the MTA On-line waiver.
If you have questions or something of interest for Trail Talk email me Patrick Capper at pcapper99@gmail.com.